Wouldn't it just be hilarious if I just dropped random photos below and just not give any context? I figured it out pretty early on that I have a lot left to learn when it comes to this huge art of photography. All that matters to me, is that for every photo I take there's some story behind it. After all, a photo can only be as good as the story behind it.
The summary of why I love this one: It's a testament to where I want to be in my life. The mug was gift from a white elephant gift exchange, and over the course of three months I was able to bring all my equipment up from my old home to my new home in Seattle. This is my workstation, my study desk and my headquarters. It's me picking up right were I left off in California.
My older brother has suffered as much as I have as I've grown as a photographer and videographer. The evidence: It took three nasty spills before we got this photo of him celebrating a white Christmas the only way we know how. I've always wanted to take a backcountry style picture, and when the clouds gathered and this log turned into a natural kicker, I just couldn't resist sending my brother off of it in the name of photography.
Fight sports are pretty hard to explain to people that don't fight. It's twice as hard to explain why I love this photo so much. For me, we get a glimpse into what makes Brazilian jiu jitsu so intense; a moment in every match thats so chaotic, frantic, and intense that it's simply known as a scramble. I rarely get to witness unfiltered action like that on a day-to-day basis, so whenever it happens right in front of my camera it just makes the moment that much sweeter.